
If you are responsible for the investment affairs of an endowment or foundation—as a board member or as a member of an investment committee—your task has grown more difficult in recent years. You face more complex capital markets, tougher oversight by regulators, higher expectations by donors and lower expected market returns. If you are grappling with a constrained budget, you may be struggling to build up the internal resources that you need to effectively address this challenging investment environment.

We seek to relieve investment committees of some of the heavy fiduciary burden weighing on them. We serve clients in a variety of ways, from fully discretionary relationships to situations where we act in a more consultative role. While every client and every relationship differ, our pledge stays consistent: to help our clients achieve their investment objectives and empower them to fulfill their organizational missions.

First, we listen. Then we bring our best thoughts to the table as we help clients develop investment policies that seek to address the concerns of the board and other stakeholders. We are able to provide customized reporting, in-person meetings based on client needs, online access to investment data and expedient response times to client inquiries. At BlackBear Capital, we partner with you to build your legacy, delivering a tailored approach based on your organization’s vision and mission.